How to Preserve the Weed Seeds the Best Way


The Global Cannabis Seeds Market is growing rapidly with a CAGR of 14.5% from the year 2020-2027. This is because many countries and states here in the USA have legalized recreational and medicinal marijuana. But hold on before you gallop to the nearest seed bank to buy all their seeds! You need to know how to preserve these little babies so that they can yield an amazing harvest and boost your commercial venture.

It is estimated that the value of the cannabis seed market will also reach $723.77 million by the year 2027. Seeds are the most important part that stores the genetics and decides the quality of the harvest of marijuana.

We keep reiterating that these seeds are like your little munchkins that need constant care and attention. The seeds are alive, and they need to be taken care of properly to ensure they remain good for a long duration. Even though the seeds and cannabis life are long, they get easily ruined if they are not properly stored.

The seeds are similar to all living organisms. If you do not take care of them and do not let them grow in ideal conditions, they will die or not give desired results.

Therefore, we have compiled this list to properly preserve weed seeds and ensure they remain in good condition for long.

Store your seeds away from light sources

Have you ever stopped to notice why dispensaries deliver the seeds in containers? The reason behind it is not hard to fathom. It is done because they need to be stored in a cool, dark, and dry place. After ordering, if you do not wish to use the seeds, it is advised to store them in their original packaging.

If they are exposed to unnecessary temperature changes or excess light, the seeds lose their nutrients. The seeds losing their nutrients are not good, as they will not properly germinate, and even if they germinate, they will not yield good quality buds.

Maintain the right temperature

Professional growers have explained that the ideal temperature for storing the seeds is between 43 to 47 degrees Fahrenheit. High temperatures are the main reason seeds germinate quickly.

When you store your seed at lower temperatures, the seeds are less likely to germinate unexpectedly. Experienced professionals have special refrigerators to preserve the seeds.

You can also keep the temperature of the seeds constant by packing them in a vacuum first. Then place them in dark containers away from light. Once out of the refrigerator, germinate them quickly. Do not wait for the seeds to thaw first.

Check the humidity

At different humidity levels, the seeds react differently. Given below are humidity levels, and what happens to the seeds at such levels is explained.

  1. When the humidity is less than 8%, the seeds start attracting insects and pests.
  2. If you are planning to store the seeds for a long time, the ideal humidity is between 8% and 10%.
  3. As soon as the humidity is between 9% to 20%, the seeds start developing fungi. The seeds also start sweating below 20%.
  4. In case you plan to use the seeds immediately, the ideal humidity level is between 21% and 30%.
  5. The humidity for germination is adobe 40%. Although once the seeds reach 30% humidity, it enters the germination zone until 60%.
  6. If the humidity levels exceed 61%, you are risking harm to the seeds.
  7. After the seed reaches 80% humidity, it will die within the first 12 hours.

Storing the seeds for optimum results

As mentioned earlier, the seeds should be stored away from light and kept at ideal humidity and temperature. For different storage choices, different options are available. They are mentioned below.

  1. For long-duration- If you have plans to store them long-term, you need to place them in a vacuum container. The temperature should be low, and the humidity should be between 8-10%.
  2. For medium duration- You can store your seeds in airtight containers such as ziplock bags. They should be placed in a different refrigerator because a normal refrigerator will be opened and closed, causing temperature fluctuations. Therefore, use another small refrigerator just for seeds.
  3. For short-duration- Since you will be using the seeds quickly, you should store them in a dark drawer that will not be opened frequently. The temperature and the humidity should be in check.

How to protect the seeds from insects and pests

Insects and pests ruining the seeds are a common problem among many buyers. All it takes is a single insect or a pest to destroy your hundreds of dollars’ worth of seeds.

The most important thing is to ensure they are not stored in a low humidity place. Some growers put Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) around the place where the seeds need to be stored.

D.E. is a type of algae base that acts as a natural insecticide. Avoid using D.E. if you plan on storing the seeds in the refrigerator with other food items.

The seeds should also be stored at a height above the ground level to ensure that no pests or rodents attack the seeds. The place where you store the seeds should be clean and tidy.

Since the insects and pests frequently grow in dirty places, keeping your surroundings clean eliminates that possibility.

How to prevent unexpected germination?

Before germination, you must check the seeds for any issues, such as changes in color, or check if they have become hard. You can check by placing the seeds in water. If the seeds sink, it means they are in good condition. If they float on water, it means they have gone bad.

Some growers, out of curiosity, keep the bad seeds in water for around 80 hours. If they form a tail, then they can be used for growing. You should avoid germinating bad seeds, as you will be compromising the plant’s quality or genetics.

There are ways that you can try and germinate the bad seeds, and they are as follows.

  1. You can remove the ridge of the hard seed using a sharp knife. Be careful not to poke it too hard. If you do, then the seed will break.
  2. Place them in carbonated water or a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide. Put the seeds in such solutions for 12 hours in a dark room and try germinating them.
  3. The moisture should get inside the shell. Therefore, you can rub it with sandpaper or a matchstick. This method is known as scarring, and it is advised to perform it before soaking the seeds.
  4. Make a hole in the seed and let them sit in water for some time to sprout.

Over to you

So that was it. Make this your handy little guidebook on storing seeds the right way. Adhering to these pointers will result in a phenomenal harvest from your seeds. Your seed care process begins right after you have purchased them from a seed store like Homegrown Cannabis Co. The points mentioned above will help you preserve the weed seeds for a longer duration.