Various Ways to Describe A Headache

Various Ways to Describe A Headache

It is common for people to suffer from a severe headache that does not seem to go away. Sometimes it stays for way too long and becomes a chronic condition. There are several reasons for severe pain in the head, but people are usually clueless about describing a headache. There are different types of headaches that come with several kinds of symptoms, depending on the sufferer’s condition.

Various Types Of Headaches: Ways To Describe A Headache

  • Headache Due To Tension: As you grow old, there is a hike in the stress level, which could result from various circumstances in life. This leads the person to feel a huge pressure at the back of the back, and the head starts feeling heavy. It is one of the common types of headache, and a headache specialist in Atlanta can help you manage it successfully. In this case, the patient is mostly given medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, Tylenol that easily provide relief from the constant pain.
  • Headache Due To Sinus: When patients are asked to describe a headache due to sinus, the most common answer is pressure and congestion in the nasal passage and watery eyes. As a sinus becomes severe due to infection, it starts causing painful events in the patient. Sinus could even lead to fever. One of the best ways to confirm a sinus attack is through an MRI or a CT scan. A person suffering from sinus experiences green or red-colored nasal discharge due to an infection. The condition can be treated with antibiotics.
  • Rebound Headaches: There is a huge number of people among the population that instantly runs towards painkillers and sees them as a panacea for all their health issues. The over-usage of medications such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or other such drugs may lead to serious events of headaches. In this case, it is best to consult with a headachespecialist in Atlanta.
  • Headache Due To Migraine: Migraine is another common cause of bursting headache cases, which affects brain cell activity and also hinders nerve cell functioning. Here are some ways to identify migraine:
    • Headache remains for a prolonged period, anywhere between 4 and 72 hours of duration.
    • It feels like throbbing pain on one side of the head, which could either be severe or mild.
    • The person feels like vomiting and sensitivity to light.

These are some of the common headache types, and when experienced too often, it is best to see a specialist in this case.