Estrogen-How it Affects your Body


Hormones are vital substances because they serve as the chemical messengers of the body system. They carry information from one cell group to another. Moreover, it influences every function of cells and organs like growth, development, reproductive function, metabolism, digestion, body reactions and even our emotions. Estrogen is the most discussed and if we think that only women possess this, the men also have this hormone. Yet there aren’t any clear effects estrogen can have on men.

The Role of Estrogen in Women’s Body System

Estrogen is really a group of hormones that constitute the women’s body system and its functions. These hormones are estrone, estradiol and estriol. Estrone and estradiol are produced in the ovaries of premenopausal women, while the estriol occurs in the placenta during pregnancy.

Menstruation and Pregnancy

The hormonal production during the woman’s reproductive years is very significant as it either prepares the system for a conception or menstruation. If no fertilization occurs, the thick uterus lining during the ovulation breaks down because of the sudden decrease of estrogen and progesterone production, causing the menstrual cycle. If it does, both of the hormones work together to prevent additional ovulation during the pregnancy like production of endometrium and thickening of the cervical mucus to avoid the sperm entering the cervix and fertilizing another egg.

Bone Development

Estrogen works together with other vitamins like Vitamin D and calcium which helps to build bones and prevent bone loss. This is also the reason why at 30, the possibility of weakened bones start to occur because at this time, estrogen level starts to decline which can be treated by estrosmart

Vagina and the Urinary Tract

Another indication of low estrogen is when the vagina gets drier and vaginal walls thinner which makes the sexual intercourse more painful. Moreover, the urethra also gets thinner. These results in having urinary tract infection (UTI) and fortunately, this can be treated by vaginal estrogen therapy.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

The severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), PMDD is when negative emotions are experienced and this affect causes problems in daily living. While estrogen seems to be at normal state during PMS and PMDD, for the hormonal experts, it can be on how estrogen communicates to the brain area involved in the mood.

Postpartum Depression

The intense sadness after childbirth or the postpartum depression occurs within the first six months after delivery. This is another indication of abrupt estrogen production; however, a link has never been proven about it.


The transition to menopause or perimenopause causes intense physical and emotional changes. Lasted for two to eight years, estrogen fluctuation continues to happen at this time. Indications of estrogen decrease at this time include:

– Hot flushes- these happen when a sudden heat sensation in the face, neck, and chest occurs that results in sweating, increased pulse rate, and feelings of dizziness. Typically lasts for three to six minutes, there are instances that this can last longer and may cause sleep disruption when it happens at nighttime.

– Irregular menstruation

– Breast softness

– Mood swings

– Migraines