Do You Have Tinnitus? How to Evaluate Your Condition


Ringing or buzzing in your ear can interfere with your everyday life as well as make it hard to relax and sleep. This may be due to a condition called tinnitus, which occurs when you hear sound without external sound. Unfortunately, tinnitus can tamper with your life enjoyment. Because of this, you must undergo an Audiologie Centre West évaluation acouphènes as soon as possible. 

Symptoms of Tinnitus

To know whether or not you have tinnitus, you must assess your symptoms. Do you usually hear a sound that’s not externally present? Is it a ringing, rushing, chirping, or clicking sound? Would you describe that sound as a heartbeat? If you have tinnitus, the noise may come from one of your ears, both ears, a distance, or your head. Additionally, you may hear pulsating, steady, or intermittent sounds. 

The sounds associated with tinnitus are prominent when background noise is low. You can better evaluate your condition by taking into account the possible causes and relevant health issues. 

Possible Causes of Tinnitus

The symptoms of tinnitus can be due to different conditions. For instance, ear infections, some ototoxic drugs, earwax buildup, Meniere’s disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and neck or head injuries can result in tinnitus. A lot of people with tinnitus also sustain hearing loss. Tinnitus is related to health conditions such as depression, anxiety, sleeping issues, and hyperacusis. 

No matter the specific sound, you may have tinnitus if you experience these symptoms. But the presence of tinnitus isn’t a cause for concern. It is also important to consider the frequency and influence of your symptoms. 


Do you hear a noise frequently or just during some situations such as listening to loud music? Occasionally, people hear ringing in the ears. If this results from specific loud noise, an illness, or atmospheric pressure, it does not usually require treatment. But if you experience the symptoms frequently for at least six months, you probably have chronic tinnitus, which can be both debilitating and irritating. 


If you think you have chronic tinnitus, think about its impact on your life. Does it affect your mood, sleeping habits, or ability to focus? If so, you must seek tinnitus relief. You may need to undergo a hearing test with an audiologist. Further testing may be recommended depending on the possible cause of your tinnitus. Each case features varying symptoms, frustrations, and causes, so you must work with an audiologist to develop a treatment plan that suits your specific concerns and needs.